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Men Charged With Defrauding Shooter’s Brother

Defrauding Shooter’s Brother : The chief of the Virginia company that is accused of profiting from immigration detainees who sought bail is now accused of defrauding the brothers of Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz.

The Augusta County Sheriff’s Office said Mike Donovan, the CEO of Nexus Services in Verona, Virginia was arrested on Wednesday, after being indicted with fraud-related charges. The indictment says that this victim was Zachary Cruz, 22, who has resided with Donovan and his wife, Richard Moore, in Fishersville.

Moore who is a co-owner and executive of Nexus as well as three other individuals are also being investigated along with Donovan.

Donovan says that Cruz was frauded. The accusations are retaliation against the initiatives he’s made to expose corruption within the sheriff’s department and to hold the office accountable for two police shootings that occurred last year.

“I would like to appear before an indictment. I’ll call witnesses and expose them,” Donovan said in an interview on the phone Thursday.

Donovan and Moore have taken Zachary Cruz in nearly four years in the past. Donovan claimed he came into contact the Zachary Cruz after learning he was being held on $500,000 bail for the charge of trespassing for skateboarding in the high school where the shootings took place.

After meeting the man, they gave him a place to live within Virginia and Donovan stated that he considered Cruz as a member to the clan.

“When you see what he’s gone through, and what he’s been able to accomplish, it’s pretty inspiring,” Donovan declared.

He expressed his anger at authorities’ assertion the idea that Zachary Cruz is mentally incapable of making his own choices.

The search warrant statement that was filed in the month of May 2021 states it was Shenandoah Valley Social Services launched an investigation in the year 2000 after receiving the report of Zachary Cruz was being financially taken advantage of by Donovan Moore and Donovan Moore.

The affidavit claimed that Cruz was unable to make financial decisions on his own even though he’s an adult. He also claimed the inheritance of $428,000 which he received following his mother’s passing was put into different accounts.

Donovan claimed that federal prosecutors looked into the allegations and cleared the defendant. He claimed that as of now the inheritance is gone and Donovan as well as Moore are basically aiding Cruz financially through the weekly stipend.

The office of the county sheriff did not answer a request for comment on Thursday.

Cruz has not been able to be reached for comment on Thursday. His lawyer, Amina Matheny Willard, who represents Donovan Cruz, has denied that Cruz is being abused by his family.

In the past year, in the year 2000, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three states including Virginia filed a lawsuit against Donovan along with his firm, claiming that his subsidiary, Libre by Nexus — exploited immigrants in detention through charging them excessive fees to allow them to be released in bail while they wait for hearings. The lawsuit is still pending.

Donovan has been vocal in his defense of his actions. He claims that his firm has helped thousand immigrants to avoid long detention while waiting for an adjudication within a broken immigration system.

His older brother Zachary Nikolas Cruz, has pleaded guilty in the past year of shooting dead 14 students and three teachers at Parkland in Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018.

Defrauding trial of cruz brother

The trial for sentencing is taking place to decide if Nikolas Cruz will face execution. Defense lawyers argue that Nikolas Cruz was afflicted with brain damage because his mother was a drinker during her pregnancy.

Zachary Cruz is two years younger than him and has the identical birth mother. The two were both adopted, and lived with each other in Parkland. The trial testimony has revealed the boys’ volatile family life.

Zachary Cruz had been listed as a defense witness, but was not summoned to give evidence.


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