Tuesday, April 16, 2024
HomeEducationPacific Coast Academy , California

Pacific Coast Academy , California

Overview of Pacific Coast Academy

Pacific Coast Academy is an independent charter school in Poway, CA. It is located in a small town setting. It has 4,264 students and serves K-12. Pacific Coast Academy has a 22% proficiency level in math and a 45% proficiency level in reading. The school has 48% minority enrollment. 29 students to teacher ratio. The student population is 50% male and 50% female. 39% of students are economically disadvantaged. There are 148 full-time equivalent teachers.

A Glance


Pacific Coast Academy 2021 Rankings

Pacific Coast Academy is ranked #4151-55434 in California Elementary Schools, and #1721 among California Middle Schools. Ranking schools is based on how they perform on state-required exams, their graduation rates, and how well their students are prepared for high school. Learn more about our Best Elementary Schools ranking and Best Mid-Schools ranking.

All Rankings

  • #54151-5534in California Elementary Schools
  • #1721in California Middle Schools
  • #395-526in California Charter Elementary Schools
  • #387-516 in California Charter Middle Schools

Ranking Factors

It was ranked statewide among the 5534 elementary schools and 2319 intermediate schools in California.

Pacific Coast Academy – Students and Teachers

These numbers and percentages are based on data provided by the state education agencies to federal government.

Test Scores

This Academy District had 22% students who scored at or above proficient level in math, and 45% of those who scored at or above proficient level in reading. Only 22% scored at or below proficient level in math.Academy District had 45% of its students test at or above proficient reading level, while 22% were at or above proficient math level. This compares with other schools in the state. It was worse in math than students in the entire state. California saw 47% of students test at or above proficient reading level, while 39% were at or above proficient math level.

School Data

Information about school profiles is based upon government data.

The government provides information about schools.


Small City

Charter School


Magnet School



This information is about schools that are managed by the school’s state-operating agency. There is only one school in many districts.


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