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HomeEducationMetea Valley High School , Illinois

Metea Valley High School , Illinois

Overview of Metea Valley High School

Metea Valley High School is placed 26th in Illinois. Students can complete Advanced Placement(r) examinations and coursework. It is estimated that the AP(r) enrollment rate for Metea Valley High School is 67 percent. The overall minority enrollment is 64 percent. It is one of the three high schools within the Indian Prairie Community Unified School District The total enrollment is 204.

Metea Valley High School 2022 Rankings

This is placed at #627 on the National Rankings. Schools are judged based according to their performance in state-mandated exams, graduation, and the extent to which in preparing students to go on college. Learn more about how we rate the Top high schools. Schools.

All Rankings

  • #627in National Rankings
  • #26in Illinois High Schools
  • #28in Chicago, IL Metro Area High Schools
  • #2in Indian Prairie Community Unified School District 204 High Schools

Ranking Factors

What was the way this school performed in the national and state-wide rankings out of 17,843 nationally-ranked schools, and 673 schools that are ranked in Illinois.

Students/Teachers at Metea Valley High School

The numbers as well as percentages of students and teachers come from the data provided from schools and the federal government.

Total Enrollment


Test Scores at this High School

U.S. News calculates these school rankings by analyzing the performance of students on state-required tests and international exams for college-level course work (AP(r) or IB tests).

College Readiness Index


School Data

The information on school profiles is based upon government data.

Graduation Rate

96% (well above state median)

Grades Served



Large Suburb

Charter School


Magnet School


Eligible for Title I Funding



This information is pertaining to high schools that are run by the state-operating agency. A lot of districts have only the one secondary school.


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